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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

This section aims to provide answers to the common questions users have on the website. The answers are provided to facilitate your website experience. 

Can I compare countries? 

You can compare two countries by first selecting the “select country” field and typing or selecting your intended country from a list of countries in the dropdown menu. You do the same in the “country (optional)” field to compare the two countries.

Can I group countries together? 

Yes, you can create your own combination of countries as well as use existing country combinations such as the EU, AUKUS or NATO to compare the performance of these groups of countries. For example, to create a bespoke country group for example US, Japan and South Korea, you first click on the “select country or region” field and add the United States, click on the “+” next to the United States to add Japan. At this point you will see Group One (2) confirming that your group has 2 countries, you can click on the “+” next to Group One to add South Korea thus forming your Group One. You can create this group against another group by doing the same with the “country (optional)” field. Note that each group (apart from the in-built ones) can contain a maximum of five countries.

How can I share the graphs on the Critical Technology Tracker website to my social media posts and on my forthcoming publication or article? 

Above each of the graphs on the Tech Tracker, there are a series of buttons listed at the top of each graph in SHARE OUR DATA (see below) which give you options to share the graphs on X (formerly twitter), LinkedIn or allows you to copy the link of or embed each graph within your documents.




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